Journal History

The first Jurnal Perspektif was formed in December 2018. The objective of theJurnal Perspektif was to facilitate research in the fields of Sociology and other social sciences. When it was first formed, it was chaired by Dr. Desy Mardhiah, S.Th.I., S.Sos., M.Si. Previously, this journal was published in a print version starting from Vol. 1 No. 1, 2018. Online version was published from Vol 1 No. 4, 2018. Currently this Journal is chaired by Dr. Delmira Syafrini, S. Sos., M.A.

In publishing theJurnal Perspektif experiences ups and downs, where the situation is very much the articles that enter and when the article a little into the editorial desk. With the persistence of the editor, this journal is consistently published four times a year.